Monday, February 22, 2010

London: Week 2

So I've been here for over 2 weeks now. My room in Harrow is definitely feeling like home- then again, home has always been sort of the latest place where I sleep at night. While my days are constantly different thanks to the varied adventures we choose each day and the unpredictability of the London transit system, my nights have remained pretty consistent. I get ready for bed and sit in my bed, warm underneath my pastel blue and pink blankets, and turn on my computer. I'll turn on the IHOP prayer room and listen to it as I journal the day's events (I've actually managed to journal every single night so far!). The entry often ends with either praise to God for the awesome adventure, or frustration over being away from my friends and wanting to be in a community. By the end I usually end up reading my Bible, writing, or, as of more recently, going through the Song of Songs study. I'll eventually end up on Skype, and if I'm lucky I'll get to have a video conversation with someone I love (If I'm unlucky it's with someone I don't love . . . just kidding). If I end up talking to someone, I won't be able to pull myself away, and I'll be up until around 1 a.m. When I finally convince myself to say goodbye to my interaction with the States, I turn off my computer, set my i-pod to the Cory Asbury prayer room set or to Jason Upton, turn off the lights, and try to sleep. It's in these last minutes, when I'm fading off into sleep, that I seem to get the most revelation. It's been then when God shows me, gently, ways in which I can find more freedom. Instead of hours of intense prayer and weeping and the prophetic, there's been quiet moments of revelation as I'm half-asleep and barely have the physical energy to speak. The Lord has been gentle with me.

Highlights of week 2:
* Meeting Jennalise and other awesome people!
* Laughing at references to American politics at the British play "Enron." The British audience didn't understand why talking about Florida votes during the Gore-Bush elections was so funny, but the big section of American students thought it was hilarious. Not to mention the raptors- the raptors were great!
* Seeing Les Miserables! It was fantastic, definitely a lot to take in.
* Started the Song of Songs series again. So good!
* Whitney pointed out that the Metro, the first train we take on the way to school, makes light saber noises when it's approaching. I listened- it's true! Our train is awesome.

Prayer request: I'm still trying to figure out what church I'll be going to. I know that I need to trust God and just take it one step at a time, but I'm getting impatient. And as my friends and I plan trips for the rest of the semester, I really need guidance and wisdom.

If you're reading this, I probably miss you, and I most likely love you. Tell me what's going on in your life!


Jason Comerford said...

I've been having that a lot too lately... where God just brings me stuff quietly as I'm falling asleep. Unfortunately, I then have to get out of bed to write it down or I forget it by morning. :)

LOVE that you're enjoying your time sweetheart! I miss you. :)

Hannah said...

Yeah, I usually take care of them before I fall completely asleep, otherwise I would forget.