Saturday, April 7, 2012

Value (and a Cute Dog)

This isn't our dog. We don't have a dog, unfortunately. This dog, Roxy, belongs to our friends the Menas. Now that I hooked you with a photo of a super cute dog, I'm going to talk about what I really wanted to talk about. Gotcha! But seriously, please read. 

Most people who know me know that I love finding a good deal. Whenever I come home from Target or a particularly good grocery store trip, I make Jason patiently listen to me explain all the sales and clearance items I found and the grand total of savings. He's a good sport.

But being on this side of the business now, I'm getting a different perspective. When Jason is hired to shoot a wedding, they're paying for his education, his camera and computer equipment, hours of not just shooting but also processing work, his experience, and more. And he's trying to support a family, just like any other professional photographer. In the long run, it's not as expensive as it seemed. His work has a high value.

Now, how does value work in my everyday life? I don't like spending $12 or more to see a movie. I just don't. However, I'd probably be upset if I saw a movie and it had horrible acting, poor writing, and cheesy special effects, even if I only paid $4 to see it. Yet if I'm going to ask filmmakers to produce high quality films, I'm going to have to pay them what it's worth. So, if a director is spending millions of dollars to make a great movie, maybe I shouldn't complain about spending $12 to see it on a huge screen with surround sound while sitting in plush chairs with friends.

I'm trying to not complain about prices anymore. I still love sales, and I still am a bit of a cheapskate (I blame my Scottish genes), but I am beginning to understand value better. Also, in the end, I know that God is going to supply all my needs. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, so I think He can handle my finances. I don't need to worry about what I'll eat or wear, because He will take care of me.


Larry Short said...

Yay, I just discovered this! Hannah has a blog. My life is complete.

You should get a blogroll (see mine, lower righthand column at and we should link to each other.

I'm going to subscribe so now I'll know when you post.


Larry Short said...

Oh, and also, I realize I didn't actually say anything about this blog!

Which was nicely done. As a fellow Scotsman and cheapskate, I totally agree about being fixated on good deals and needing to learn value.

Alissa Stoops said...

I like this post.