Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nanny Highlights

* There's a gazebo near the tree house Raegan likes to visit. She asked me what it was and I said a gazebo. She now calls it either a "gazeeba" or the "zageebo."

* The other day Raegan took out her Barbies and said "They're getting their noses cut." I asked why, at first thinking it was nose piercing. She said, "Because they aren't perfect." I panicked. How did she find out about plastic surgery?! Suddenly I remembered that she had just watched the Veggie Tales Pinnochio movie. In it "Pistachio" had to have his nose trimmed by his father because it had grown after he lied. We had a talk about wooden people vs. real people.

* Anabelle got to try real solid food for the first time today. I never knew Ritz crackers could be such a mess.

* Raegan read my Bible today. The story went something like, "And God saved your life and for 400 years. And you and me are going to work together now, and you're powerful!"

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