Two months back in the States. Is it possible? Most of my British mannerisms seem to be gone, although it was really hard to say the word soccer during the World Cup. It makes more sense to call it football, especially since most of the world does!
I'm nannying Mondays and Thursdays this summer for a family with 6 kids. It's been challenging, to be sure, but also kind of fun. I'm learning so much, too. For instance, children cannot comprehend the big picture. You tell them they can't eat a snack at 4:30 because dinner's at 5:00, and they wonder why you're so mean as to starve them like that. After I'm done getting impatient, I realize how similar I am to that child. After all, I like to pretend that I know what I need better than God does. How could He delay giving me what I ask Him? Doesn't He know I need it right now? How many times have I thrown my own adult temper tantrums because God didn't allow me to spoil my appetite for the good things He had planned for me?
I'm really enjoying not being in a long distance relationship. Jason and I have been able to spend lots of quality time together, and the Lord has totally been working in both of us together. This last week we spent a day in Port Townsend, where we had a picnic, explored a creepy old fort, and visited the really cool Victorian downtown. The highlight was for sure the old bookstore we found- by the grace of God, I was able to limit myself to buying only 3 books!
I'm missing London a lot, but God is blessing me this summer. :)